After months of speculation by the blogosphere and on Somewhat Frank in Who Will Be #1 In Blog Search and Wall Street Journal Search Engine Race with some bloggers even resorting to posts begging Google to start a blog search engine, Google today has finally entered the blog search game. Check out the Google Blog Search engine beta here. Or the Blogger search engine here. I tested the new search out and found Somewhat Frank is already indexed and the blog search results are here. I then did a link: to my blog to see who is linked to it. I read through the about page for the search and found some interesting points. For example, you can subscribe to search results in the Atom or RSS format since at the bottom of every search result you will find these subscribe links:
Subscribe: Atom (10 results - 100 results) RSS (10 results - 100 results)
I think this functionality will be very useful in tracking different blogs and search topics. Additionally, Google is offering new search operators to search in a blog title, in a post title, in a post by an author, and in a blog URL. These operators can be typed into the search field as mentioned here or accessed via the advanced search here.
What do you think about the new Google blog search?