Apple iTunes started to accept personal audio podcast into its PodCast Directory in June but now they have started accepting video podcasts. This has lead many to speculate if the next iPod released will be capable of playing audio and video. If I was a gambling man I would have to bet that a video playing iPod is not to far off.
To submit a podcast to the directory you need to have iTunes on your desktop. I just added the Somewhat Frank audio podcast to the directory. You can find it under the "Audio Blogs" category in iTunes as well as by following these instructions:
1. Open your iTunes (version 5.0 or higher to be podcast capable).
2. Under the "Advanced" tab click on "Subscribe to Podcast".
3. Enter the podcast URL:
4. The podcast should then show up under your podcast directory.
5. Hit the play button next to the podcast and listen to your hearts content.
To learn more about iTunes and the podcasting and how to get your audio of video go to this link.