I just visited the Yahoo Trip Planner Beta and was pleasantly surprised with this new portal feature on Yahoo travel. The new beta makes trip planning easy by allowing you to search on trips that other traveler have already taken. You can search on previous traveler itineraries and copy what others have done or create your on trip from scratch. The Yahoo! Search blog recently had this to say about Trip Planner:
"Trip Planner is a new tool that helps you organize your travel research from Yahoo! Travel and all over the Web to a trip plan. Save hotels, attractions, and useful web sites into your trip plan, then add your own notes, tags, driving directions and more. When you're done, you can share your trip with a few friends or with the entire Yahoo! Travel community."
I will definitely use this new travel search to help brainstorm and plan upcoming trips, since thinking of new places to visit can sometimes be a barrier in planning a distinctive trip.
To read the blogosphere buzz on the debut of the Yahoo Trip Planner Beta check out the posts on John Battelle's Searchblog, Zoli's Blog, Search Engine Watch Blog, Bleeding Edge, SearchViews and NewMedia Report.