Has Technorati done something different recently with their search results? I have been noticing an extraordinary large number of LiveJournal entries in the search results that are making searching for relevant blog posts to reference in my own posts a bigger task then ever before. Do a search for "iPod" on Technorati and you should see for yourself what I am describing. Earlier today, I was looking for a post about the "video iPod" and I had trouble navigating through the large number of LiveJournal posts in the search results to find a post worth linking to. Now don't get me wrong, LiveJournal posts have every right to be in the Technorati search results however, I feel LiveJournal accounts are are not as well formatted as other blogs which makes it difficult to determine simple blog attributes like the blog title or the author of the blog. It appears LiveJournal accounts use an alias or username as the blog title and byline therefore it is difficult to give proper credit to these bloggers when referencing them in a post. For example, when I create a blog post I sometimes pull in other posts about the same topic for additional perspective. With LiveJournal accounts are setup with username which could be anything from "Sweeta$$_4sure" to something even more degrading which would most definitely look odd in a Somewhat Frank post. Therefore I have to sift through to find legitimate posts to link to.
So I am just wondering if Technorati has always had LiveJournal posts in the results or has something changed recently to bring them in?