Technorati has given the blogosphere a holiday gift early by releasing a redesign of its search results page and an updated member profile page. Our pal, Niall Kennedy, Community Manager at Technorati explains the updates with his favorite feature being the a new personal tag cloud in saying:
"Technorati now displays a personal tag cloud for each member profile! You can now glance at a blogger's profile and get a pretty good idea about his or her most blogged about topics."
You can see this new tag cloud feature compliments I snagged from my Technorati Profile. From the looks of it I am staying true to my focus of technology, business, and life. Apparently this feature was available via the API previously but now appears on the site as well. I wouldn't mind implementing the tag cloud on Somewhat Frank.
The one change that I noticed immediately was the search results shown below. Basically, Technorati has remove inbound link counts and replaced them with a slicker display that allows you to hover over a talk icon to see inbound links. The image below shows this new display in a search result of an inbound link to Somewhat Frank from Doc Searl. Thanks Doc, for the mention!
There are a few other bells and whistles which include charts, tags an a few other items but Technorati's CEO David Sifry explains all the changes on the Technorati Weblog and on his personal blog Sifry Alerts so I'd rather not rehash them again here. However I would like to mention that, David Sifry's post on his personal weblog has an image of a search result of a colleague of mine, Matt Terenzio. Small world. Additionally, Steve Rubel (who has recently had nice site redesign himself) also voiced his opinion on the Technorati changes.
All I can say is thanks Technorati for the early holiday gift and happy holidays!