This past Tuesday (January 24, 2006) spam was the topic of a column by Tom Spring on The column explains the next generation of spam and in one section title "Spam Outside The Inbox" covers the emergence of splog or spam blogs online. Splog Reporter was mentioned in the article in saying:
"Many are fighting back with special software designed to combat splogs. Still others in the anti-spam community are taking action and creating anti-splog sites like SplogSpot and Splog Reporter, where you can report abuses."
In case you do not recall, I started Splog Reporter as a "grassroots" effort to combat splog back in August of 2005 with the help of colleague and friend Jeff Johns. Jeff and I continued to move the product forward by creating new ways to report splog, like a Firefox extension, bulk upload among other features. Through our efforts I found out first hand that the blogosphere is filled with "good-willed" bloggers willing to help clean up the blogosphere.
Recently, Jeff and I have become extremely busy with our personal lives yet we continue to receive praise, questions and requests via our SR feedback page just about everyday. To be quite honest with you we cannot keep up with all of the feedback.
In realizing our short-handedness, we would be willing to bring on some help in the spirit of the movement to continue to move the product forward in a positive manner by developing out some of the requested features that we have received as feedback. If you are interested in helping us out please let me know by either commenting on this blog post or emailing me directly at: frank at splogreporter dot com. Please let me know what your skill-set as well as what makes you interested in helping out with the effort.