With Google's decision to launch a censored version of its search engine in China heeding the strict censorship laws of the Chinese government, many are left to question Google's stance on freedom. However, this move may not have been totally in Google's control since they do have to obey China's laws. But when the goal of Google is to provide and organize the world's information they may now need to place an asterisks next to the word "world."
Google could be facing a public relations nightmare due to the situation in China. The blogosphere is already flexing its muscle as some blog networks are removing Google ads from their sites as a way of boycotting the move. I am not going to make these types of moves, though I would recommend one thing to Google: stick to what made you what you are. In other words, rather than deluding its reputation Google should bring down the censored search. In its place Google should purchase additional shares of Baidu, the Chinese search engine that it purchased shares in 2004. Baidu could be the Google search in China and not the Google Search we know and love.
*Censorship is Unamerican image thanks to www.pinkdome.com