While traveling last weekend I saw this post on Signal vs. Noise that caught my eye because it had my last name "Gruber" in it. Is this a long lost relative of mine? I was traveling so I did not get a chance to post about it. In looking more closely I found it was in reference to John Gruber who blogs on Daring Fireball. Apparently, 37signals has created their own advertising network with a few other sites which include A List Apart, 37signals, Daring Fireball and Coudal. They just let John Gruber and his site Daring Fireball become part of the network that calls themselves The Deck. They feel they are going to be able to help advertiser since their sites have a loyal following of influential followers. According The Deck website:
"The Deck ad program is uniquely configured to connect the right marketers to a targeted, influential audience."
In further investigating the Deck sites have set up a bit of quality control on the advertisers that that they accept on their sites by limiting it to only products and services that they have used or paid to use and support. The Deck ads also are the only ads on these websites thus creating a pure advertising experience. Not a bad idea at all.