BlogBurst, a soon to launch product by Pluck, mines the blogosphere for solid bloggers and then offers their valued blog content back to publishers. So basically, Pluck is creating a blog network for publishers to grab solid blog content and place it on their site. Bloggers should benefit from the added exposure and publishers get fresh blogosphere content.
It is a win-win situation for bloggers and publishers alike!
I think BlogBurst a great idea and will offer an out of the box solution for online publisher and websites alike seeking blogosphere content. The product offers a way for publishers to leverage the power of the blog without having to find and manage their own in-house blogging staff. I think this product has huge potential because there is a definite need by larger website and publishing companies to add compelling and relevant grassroots blogosphere content.
I saw Mike Arrington mentioned BlogBurst on TechCrunch
today (February 18, 2006) so I took that as the go ahead to also preview BlogBurst since I have been anguish to mention it since December 2005. Dave Panos, Pluck CEO, was at the TechCrunch 5 Party last night and I assume was demonstrating BlogBurst as Mike mentioned. Pluck has not yet publicly released the product but I think you will be delighted to see the product when they do.
If BlogBurst sounds appealing be sure to sign up and get your blog posts in lights!
*Dave Panos photo thanks to Michael Arrington via Flickr