Craig Newmark, founder of, was interviewed by Jimmy Wales, founder of Wikipedia, for the keynote today (March 13, 2006) at the South By Southwest Conference (SXSW) in Austin, Texas.
Due to the timing of the sale of Knight Ridder to McClatchy, Craig was questioned if he felt somewhat responsible for Knight Ridder's sale due to Craigslist's plummeting of the bay area print classified advertising revenue model. Could Craig's keynote have come at a more perfect time?
For easy-to-follow bullet points from the keynote check out this post by Will Pate. For a more in-depth recap visit Unbeige as they go on to explain a design session where Craigslist is given a design makeover producing, Craigslist2.0. Auscillate also posted highlights in a Q&A format. I looked for a podcast of the keynote and could not find one but do expect one to surface soon. If you are craving a Craig Newmark podcast now you might want to tide your appetite by checking out this Craig Newmark podcast interview recorded just 8 days ago (March 5, 2006).
*Craig Newmark photo thanks to Steve Mac.