Seth Godin, author of The Big Moo, Purple Cow and All Marketers Are Liars among others, recently spoke at Google. Google is now presenting a video of his speech on Google Video as part of the Google Author Series. You can view it by clicking this link. I truly enjoy Seth's work so I was pleased to find this free video and would recommend watching it.
In finding this video on Google Video I also came across some the another Google Author Series spotlighting Daniel H. Wilson author of How to Survive A Robot Uprising. So it appears Google is releasing a video a month as part of the series so be on the lo0kout for more to come.
Maybe Google will invite Robert Scoble and Shel Israel authors of Naked Conversations to speak next? Of course they would need sign a wavier promising not to get naked while speaking but that is a small price to pay for free Google Video publicity.
*Naked Conversations 'naked' author photo thanks to New Media Musings