MapQuest was the leader in the mapping space until Google, Yahoo, Microsoft and A9 targeted the space with open mapping API’s. It appears MapQuest is back in the game with the release of its own API called OpenAPI. According to Jim Greiner, VP and GM of MapQuest:
"OpenAPI represents our initial step to provide developers with a simple way to access all the core tools, routing included, necessary to create truly useful mashups."
MapQuest hopes the move will vault it back into the forefront of the online mapping world which it ruled solely for so long. I just hope it isn’t too late for MapQuest with all the new players in the space. MapQuest has answered my concern by simultaneously announcing a developers challenge for mashup supremacy with the OpenAPI. Nothing beats a little competitive blood to motivate developers in the web 2.0 mashup happy online world - we will see if it is enough.