Typepad, the hosted Six Apart blog platform solution, is offering up some additional features for bloggers in the form of widgets. According to Six Apart:
"A widget is a piece of content or functionality provided by a third party that you can place in the siderail of your TypePad blog. Technically, it's a snippet of HTML and/or JavaScript that you can manage like any other sidebar content module on your blog."
Typepad has always had Typelist which help to format your list of information and you could use the "Note" Typelist to add HTML code snippets to create your various widgets. The introduction of Typepad Widgets should remove the need to use a Typelist for code since a widget probably would be a better implementation.
There are number of widgets that have been created already and are available Widget Gallery. Also, Six Apart has decided to open up its API to let developer take a crack at creating new widgets. I am going to have to explore pimping out Somewhat Frank with some additional bling now that I have Typepad Widgets at my disposal. Not to mention, I just think "widget" is a fun word.