I used to make origami cranes in grade school similar to the one shown. The blogosphere has been buzzing about origami in the last week or so you would have thought a herd of crazed paper cranes armed with the bird flu were pulling bloggers from the comfort of their homes. Thankfully, origami cranes are not attacking and the blogosphere has been buzzing about a new ultra-mobile PC called Origami that Microsoft has been trying to gracefully leak into the conversations of the blogosphere . I say gracefully because I really do not know how else you could drop origami into a conversation totally unrelated to paper crane construction.
I have yet to jump on the Origami bandwagon but decided to finally break my silent because there are finally official images behind all the buzz and speculation. Microsoft's Channel 9 video blog has posted this Origami clip and Microsoft's website has this new page devoted to the ultra-mobile PC or UMPC.
Robert Scoble is wondering if all the hype about Origami was warranted. I am wondering the same thing since Origami is a small table PC which is not anything new. Though, I maintain an open mind and would be interested in testing an Origami out to see how it fits my lifestyle. I wonder if it could replace my currently laptop computer which is already ultra-portable but has a full keyboard.