I was talking with FeedBurner's Eric Olson this past week about optimizing the design and presentation of syndication web pages. We were talking about how several sites offer their feed options such that the page resembles a bingo sheet. In case you do not know what I am referring to just take a look at this screen-shot below. Though it may be the current standard for syndication, I would argue it offers a sub par visitor experience since it offers too many options.
I think you can take strides towards winning the syndication bingo design game by offering the new standard feed icon and linking to your feed managed by FeedBurner displaying a 'Browser Friendly' option which presents users with feed reader options. This cuts out having offer every type of feed reader option on your own site and since FeedBurner handles so many feeds it has become the de facto standard for feed presentation.
Currently, I offer the new standard syndication icon, which I first mentioned on Somewhat Frank back in December 2005 and Russell Beattie recently highlighted on his blog, linked to the FeedBurner feed. Being mindful of usability, can you think of additional ways to win the syndication bingo game?