Grupthink, a company based in the heavenly Rocky Mountains between Glacier and Yellowstone Park, recently launched to provide an outlet for posting questions online in hopes that its user base can supply answers. This is not a new concept as Google Answers and Yahoo Answers both are similar products and Ask Jeeves (now used to ask Jeeves, the now retired butler, for answers to your questions.
So how is Grupthink different from these competitors? A recent blog post by Grupthink helps shed some light on the differences between Grupthink and its competitors as it compared its product to a cocktail beverage as follows:
- 1/2 oz. Wiki
- 1/2 oz. Online polling
- 1/4 oz. Photo sharing
- 1/4 oz. Web 2.0 Buzzword Mix (ajax, social media, etc…)
- One (1) offensively large stalk of celery
I love the creativity and sense of humor! In taking some initial sips of the Grupthink cocktail I found the different parts of the drink product are seamlessly blended into a simple yet extremely intuitive interface aimed at Q & A. Users can vote on the relevance of the answers that are submitted. Syndication in the form of RSS is provided for every question topic. Additionally, tags are used to help find a question topic.
For more information check out the Grupthink development blog.