Skinnyr is a site created to help dieters keep track of their progress. It's simple format allows registered users to track their weight while dieting. So if you are the calorie-counter type and have been searching for a better place to keep tabs on your progress, look no further. Skinnyr was created by Fuel Empire using a custom framework utilizing Adobe ColdFusion. Not another Ruby on Rails joint. In registering, however, the Welcome page was admittedly not quite ready for the mainstream yet, as it displays the following message:
"This page is kinda pointless for now, but it'll be cool soon."
So I look forward to finding out what will replace the message since the recording functionality appears to be working properly. I registered a few different weights and have displayed my chart below. It can be shared on your web site or blog very easily if you feel so inclined. Additionally an RSS feed of your weight is also offered.
Fuel Empire also offers a car enthusist site which actually resides on and allows users to contribute a car profile and share their car stories online. If you aren't into pimping out your own body with Skinnyr you can pimp your cars and tell about it on FuelEmpire.