Yahoo released a new search builder tool today which could directly compete with the Eurekster Swicki community search product (shown in the right rail) and Rollyo which allows you to roll your own search. The Yahoo Search Builder product will enable the production of a customized search results.
The release falls in line with the social or community direction that Yahoo! has been moving and makes sense. With Eureskster Swicki and Rollyo as the most direct competitors to the new Yahoo Search Builder, I find it ironic that Swicki uses the Yahoo search API on the back-end. So would Yahoo! consider gobbling up Swicki to gain some of Swicki's technological advantage over the past year? Eurekster was named one of the hottest startups! Rollyo recently launched a blog search feature which further differentiates itself from the field. I wonder what Jennifer Allen at Eurekster thinks of the release of Yahoo! Search Builder?