With the web 2.0 movement a flood of startup companies have innovated in the new web world. Today Real World Software Development has posted a large categorized list of web 2.0 startups. The list breaks down the startups into the following categories:
Aggregators - Blummy
Blog Filters - technorati
Business Software - ThinkFree
Calenders - HipCal
Classified & Business Directories - craigslist
Content Filtering - Filangy
Command Line - Ambedo
Education / School Life - mynoteIT
Email and Communication - GMail
Events - eventful
File Storage - Allmydata
Image Storing and Sharing - riya
Jobs and Work - Voices
Mapping - Google Maps
Mash-Ups - Ning
Music - Jamendo
News Sites - touchstonelive
Online Dating - YesNomayB
Parts - RSS2PDF
People News Production - diggdot
Project Management and Team Collaboration - Basecamp
Quotes - Quotiki
Real Estate - zillow
Shopping - etsy
Social Bookmarking Sites - StumbleUpon
Social Communities - facebook
Start Pages - PageFlakes
To Do Lists - Remember The Milk
Travel - dohop
Trusted Search - Rollyo.com
Validator - Web 2.0 Validator
Video Storage - YouTube
Web Site Analytics - Measure Map
Wiki - Wetpaint
Word Processing - Google Docs & Spreadsheets
World Improvement - 43things
I cannot say I agree with all of these picks as some products might be missing. However, if you are looking for a more visual and comprehensive representation of the startups of web 2.0 visit Orli Yakuel's Go2Web2.net.