Do you have questions about your latest gadget purchase? If so you can always take a look the instruction manual that came with that particular product. However, you still might have questions which is where FixYa comes in. FixYa offers free tech support and technical help for gadgets, electronic equipment and consumer products.
FixYa aggregates support information from its community of users who share their experiences of technical problems and solutions. FixYa offers a rating system for support content which allows its users to find the best solution for every problem and even solve new problems. FixYa's knowledgebase is based on real users' experience rather than on information by the manufacturer.
FixYa could come in handy for iPhone related questions. For example, find out the best way to send an SMS message to multiple recipients via the iPhone. Or better yet, I'd love to figure out how to get my enterprise email flowing into my iPhone.
Interestingly, community members can also earn money for answering other users technical questions. If a user solves a premium problem they can get up to $5.00 for the solution. Additionally, users can provide live chat assistance and receive up to $15.00 for a solution.
Bottom-line: FixYa provides free community supported tech support and technical help for gadgets and consumer electronic equipment and products.