I am pleased to announce that TECH cocktail Chicago 6 is coming soon and tickets are going fast. Just as a refresher, TECH cocktail is the social mixer founded by Eric Olson and myself in May 2006. This will be our sixth Chicago event and eighth overall (DC and Boston).
Here are the details:
Venue: John Barleycorn Wrigleyville (Map)
Time: 6:30pm -9pm
Date: Thursday, November 15th
Cost: FREE!!!
Sponsors and demos are still not totally locked down but will be soon. If you are a local startup and would like to demo at the event please email me. If you are interested in supporting this grassroots community building event please let us know by emailing us.
I look forward to heading home to the Windy City and our technology roots to host this event. It should be a great time. More details to come soon!