Brica what? BricaBox, a New York-based startup, offers a publishing platform for organizing and displaying content in a more structured manner. It's goal is to offer a way to present detailed content or data. Wondering why you might need more structure? Read on to find out how you might be able to use BricaBox.
I got a chance to meet and hangout with BricaBox co-founders Nate Westheimer and Kyle Bragger as they launched at Blog World Expo in Las Vegas and I really liked their approach to BricaBox. BricaBox aims to be as easy to use a WordPress is to blog but with more than blog-like publishing capabilities. BricaBox offers a social aspect that enables items that are posted via BricaBox to be reviewed by the community. The BricaBox platform acts as a wrapper that could enable users to create a photo site, video site or other type of structured mashup. Still wondering why more structured content is important? Structured content enables visitors the ability to find, sort, search and rate content more easily.
So if you are looking to create a content driven site which will display reviews (i.e. restaurants, movies, web 2.0 startups, etc) you might want to give BricaBox a look as it offers the ability to display structured data that could be displayed to better describe the item being reviewed. Additionally, BricaBox enables users to pull in various types of 3rd party sources so you could pull in feeds and other data to also display on a review site.
BricaBox CEO Nate Westheimer was recently interviewed by nextNYers and further explains the BricaBox mission.