This week the Web development community has been buzzing as details were released about a new widget API called Google OpenSocial. Google officially launched OpenSocial and provided this video to further explain its actions. I have been trying to get my head around what it really means and would like to open it up to my readers for input via a Somewhat Frank poll to get your take on OpenSocial.
From my perspective, it appears Google has leveraged its position in the market to rally together a bunch of companies in supporting the use of Google Gadgets and additional new APIs to enable widgets to work on a number of social sites and services at one time. This sounds very similar to what Netvibes has been working on with its UWA standard but with the additional layer of social information and may even tread on widget marketplaces like WidgetBox and ClearSpring. However, I would love to get your perspective on Google's OpenSocial via a Somewhat Frank poll. If you have additional perspective please drop a comment on the this post.
TechCrunch, Read/Write Web, GigaOm and AllFacebook also offer some interesting details on the new Google OpenSocial API.
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