OUTSHOUTS, a Palo Alto, California based three employee startup, takes 'making music going round' seriously. OUTSHOUTS enables anyone to act as a DJ to create and send their own mixes of your recorded voice and pre-recorded music or other content over email and text message directly to your mobile phone.
OUTSHOUTS reminds me a little bit of Utterz with a music focus as it allows you to send voice content messages to your friends and for posting on other sites. OUTSHOUTS offers basic social feature which includes a profile, adding friends etc. OUTSHOUTS founder Michelle Soleau emailed me my very first OUTSHOUT which I have included (below). Michelle also mentioned OUTSHOUTS has plans to launch a video version of OUTSHOUTS in the near future.
Aside from creating and sending cool new music mixes OUTSHOUTS can act as a music discovery offering of sorts as every mix on OUTSHOUTS become public discoverable. I wondered where the music for these OUTSHOUTS would come from and found OUTSHOUTS promoting the use of free and legal mp3 sites.
My friend Orli Yakuel also recently reviewed OUTSHOUTS and offers some additional perspective on OUTSHOUTS.