I use Flickr just about everyday to store and manage my photos. I was happy to see Flickr add photo editing tools by integrating with online photo editing software, Picnik. On thing irks me about the integration though is the fact that as a Flickr premium user I still DO NOT have full access to all of Picnik's offerings from within Flickr itself. I really feel that as part of the partnership and integration Flickr should have reconciled which users are premium Flickr users and done a revenue share to enable them full access to Picnik. That said, I have been on the lookout for an comparable alternative to Picnik for more sophisticated photo edits and updates to save me the hassle of firing up Adobe Photoshop. I recently found flauntR, a free online photo editing site create by India-based DeviceDriven, which offers a number of similar photo editing features.
flauntR offers tools for editing (editR) and styling photos (stylR), adding text
to photos (textR), creating social networking profile pictures (profilR) and mobile photo experiences (mobilR). With flauntR users can create widgets and beautiful slideshows as well as share photos to social networking sites. flauntR integrates with other photo services like Flickr, Picasa, Bebo and
Facebook photos so you can pull photos in directly. Additionally, flauntR offers a little Picasso artistic flair to any photo (picasR).