Photo of the Week: It is March Madness and, like this crowd, I was swept into the excitement this past weekend as one of my alma maters, Purdue University, took on Xavier in Washington, DC.
Web 2.0 Eggs by iJustine
To celebrate Easter, Justine Ezarik, aka iJustine, decided to decorate some eggs and captured her quest on video.
Startup Weekend Initial Pitches -- 20% Has Legs, 80% Not So Much
CenterNetworks spent the weekend watching the streaming video of Startup Weekend and covered it. That's determination, nice work Allen.
Oprah Leveraging Interactive Web Technology
According to a report, Oprah is bringing her magic touch to the web. She has recently ventured into offering podcasts of interviews on iTunes, and teaching classes online using Silverlight and Skype. The classes will be based on Eckhart Tolle's book "A New Earth!"
24% Can’t Find Google
This week, usability guru Jakob Nielsen asks: “How difficult is it to perform a search on Google?” No, really. How hard is it? Nielsen’s study indicated that at least 24% of Internet users don’t know where to find Google. Oh my, this is very sad.
12 Reasons Why You Should Start a Blog
If you’re thinking of jumping into the blogosphere, check out Mohan Mittal’s 12 reasons to start a blog.
More Bloggers Raising Money & Mike Arrington Wants A Dream Team
Mike Arrington rants about the state of the blogosphere and how it is really a filled with politics. He explains how he would like to see the blogger equivalent to the 1992 U.S. Mens Basketball Dream Team. He thinks it could take CNET apart in a year. That would be interesting. I am just saddened that blogging has lost its purity. It used to be more pure. Interestingly, I find twitter and other microblogging formats are still relatively pure expressions and have taken over where 'long form' blogging has fallen into a competitive blender.
7 Insanely Helpful Websites for Venture Start-Ups
If you are an young entrepreneur you might want to check out this article.
ITA Announces Finalists for Ninth Annual CityLIGHTS Awards
Eric Olson and I (Frank Gruber) are finalists for The Illinois Technology Association (ITA) 2008 CityLIGHTS Awards for the creation of TECH cocktail. I am honored to be nominated and will be headed back to Chicago to attend the event.
The Conversation Has Left the Blogosphere
The truth of the matter is, like it or not, the conversations that once
existed solely in the blogosphere have now moved on. People still
comment, but in a lot of cases, those comments aren't found on the blog
itself. So the question is, has the conversation left the blogosphere?
I think ReadWriteWeb has brought up a very good point. There are so
many other places like twitter, Facebook, Pownce and others to converse
online. Is the blogosphere turning anti-social?
Blogdigger Acquired by Odeo
Blog search engine Blogdigger will be announcing shortly that it has been acquired by SonicMountain, parent company of Odeo - the podcast network that is currently being rebuilt as a full-fledged platform for digital media.
Brian Solis on Facebook Becoming a Hub for Personal Brands
Brandweek has run my latest post discussing the role of social networks in framing and portraying your online persona.