I was walking down the street in Boulder, Colorado earlier this month and was intrigued by a storefront symbol. I looked into the storefront windows and my eyes were met with colorful graffiti-like artwork, handmade toys and lots of tees. I had bumped into JoyEngine.
JoyEngine is a brand created by the boutique design firm cypher13 and offers a place for artists and designers to unite and share their work. The JoyEngine store doubles as an art gallery for local artists and toymakers. JoyEngine also has its own line of apparel. At JoyEngine, cypher13 promotes and sells artwork created by the cypher13 team, other local artists, and provides access to ultra-limited designer art toys, offers apparel by independent designers, and supplies the local street art scene with spraypaint, paint markers, and other art supplies. Online JoyEngine offers an blogging community for designers and artists where they can exchange ideas and showcase their work. They also offers some cool artist desktop backgrounds for download.
I was sucked into the JoyEngine like a tractor beam and had to shoot an impromptu SOMEWHAT FRANK TV episode with Todd Berger a co-founder of the JoyEngine art and design community. Todd, a fellow Chicago native, took a few minutes to share the story of JoyEngine - cuz' sharing is cool! I have posted some photos (below) from my visit along with the SOMEWHAT FRANK TV episode (below) or subscribe to the the SOMEWHAT FRANK TV video podcast.
Check out the JoyEngine tour video and be sure to visit JoyEngine the next time you are in Boulder, Colorado.
Think you might have a cool community story or office space that you think SOMEWHAT FRANK TV should visit? Drop me a line.