I am pleased and somewhat humbled that TECH cocktail, a little events startup which I co-founded with Eric Olson back in May 2006, has been nominated as a finalist for the Illinois Technology Association CityLIGHTS Award. Over 700 great entrepreneurs, startups and established companies will be in attendance tonight as the awards are presented.
TECH cocktail is nominated for the CityLIGHTS Award which is given to an individual or individuals that have made a significant impact on the Illinois technology community. The list of finalists include:
- Ron and Jeff Galowich, co-Founders, Initiate Systems
- Bob Geras, president, LaSalle Investments
- Brian Knudson, CEO, NogginLabs, Inc.
- Eric Olson and Frank Gruber, founders, TECH cocktail
- Brad Spirrison, president, MidwestBusiness.com
TECH cocktail was started as a way to better connect and amplify the local technology community and being a finalist for this award validates that all our hard work has been paying off. Our first TECH cocktail CONFERENCE in May should further along this mission - don't forget to sign up now. Cheers!