There is so much news content being produced by both mainstream and social media outlets these days that it harder than ever to get through all of it. Taking an academic approach to productivity and literacy Spreed News recently launched to try and help you read through your news faster, thus saving you time.
Spreed News offers both a mobile and desktop experience. The Spreed
News desktop version looks like your typical startpage but it creates a
unique speed reading experience upon clicking on a piece of content to
read. Spreed News reformats content in short content infused phrases
and blinks them to a reader at the rate of your selected reading speed.
For example, you can select 300 words per minute and Spreed News chugs
through the content at that pace. The flashing phrases Spreed News
force a reader to pay attention because if you turn away from the
screen you will miss parts of the news content.
Spreed News also offers a mobile experience by visiting on your iPhone. Content can be customized on the mobile experience and users can subscribe to topic specific bundles. Spreed News allows a user to watch the screen as it plays almost a movie of the content phrases.
Spreed News offers an innovative approach to reading news content more quickly and it should help all of us that might struggle to maintain attention (with all distractions of the other shiny objects of the Web). I will definitely give Spreed News a try since it should save me time in reading as I try stay up to speed with much content as possible. I am a visual learner so I have to determine if I will be able to recall everything I read but my guess is I will, since Spreed News is flashing phrases at a reading pace. The only issue I have is that Spreed News could get a little tedious and boring - I like pictures and the look and feel of certain news sites. Fortunuately, Spreed News offers a link to the source for anyone looking to follow-up and view all the images and videos associated with a piece of content.