So I have sat through two days of startup launches demoing at TechCrunch50 for a number of different verticals from mobile to youth and entertainment, I am have to say my brain is a little numb right now. But I wanted to put out a quick post highlighting a few products that caught my attention.
OpenTrace - Trace products back through the supply chain
OtherInbox - takes a new approach to helping combat email inbox overload
Popego - social aggregator with sliders to determine most interesting items
Fitbit - sensor product for tracking your personal health stats
Tonchidot - location based mobile tagging application
me-trics - health stat aggregator
Emerginvest - finance news meets emerging markets.
iCharts - searchable easy create web charts
Swype - innovative data entry tool for mobile devices
Postbox - inbox reorganization tool
Overall, the question for many of the startups launching is:
Are these really products - or just features that could be added to existing products?
Tomorrow is the final day of startup demos and I hope to chat with a few more startups in the demo pit and in the hallways of the conference.