Today I was pleased to see that Worth 1000 the New York based startup has launched Aviary the suite of online design tools I previously previewed into public beta. Aviary's public launch offers a refreshed look from that of the private beta and currently consists of Peacock (visual laboratory), Phoenix (image editor) and Toucan (color swatches). Aviary also offers an upgraded version which includes Raven (vector editor) and Talon (screen capture) for only $9.99 a month. This is a pretty powerful set of online tools for designers and artists.
Aviary's social features allow users to explore the communities image creations. For example, this goldfish creation (below) caught my eye. There are lots of others like it and you can use Aviary to create your own lovely pieces of work.
I am pretty impressed with Aviary and would recommend checking it out. If you like what you see you can pre-order Aviary's new book called There Is More Than One Way To Skin A Cat. Congrats to Aviary on the public launch!