I get a lot of books to preview and with all my travels the last few months they have been stacking up. I really need to get a Kindle so I can read more while on the road (if you can help with getting a Kindle please let me know). In the meantime, my new book queue has been stacking up! I currently have six new books in my queue. I am running a contest for free copies of one of the books. Check out the six books in my new book queue and let me know your feedback on any of them.
Putting the Public Back in Public Relations by Brian Solis & Deirdre Breakenridge - Public Relations as we know it is quickly changing this book takes a look at the changing landscape where your customers are now your biggest advocates, as we all have a voice as the public in public relations. Check out my perspective on the new book.
The Wallstrip Edge by Howard Lindzon - This book shows readers how to profit
from his straightforward investment philosophy -- a unique trend
watching philosophy that mades Wallstrip.com such a hit, including how to look at trends from a different
perspective, knowing when to buy a certain stock, how to hold it, and
of course when to sell. I can send 5 free copies of the book to anyone in the Canada and US (sorry no P.O. Boxes). If you would like to try for copy of the book, send me an @FrankGruber reply on Twitter why you deserve a copy of the book. I will select my 5 favorites on Friday, April 10, 2009 and have a copy sent to you.
Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin - Acclaimed historian Doris Kearns Goodwin illuminates Lincoln's
political genius in this highly original work, as the one-term
congressman and prairie lawyer rises from obscurity to prevail over
three gifted rivals of national reputation to become president.
Me 2.0 Building A Powerful Brand To Achieve Career Success by Dan Schawbel - Offering practical advice about personal branding. This book bridges the gap between the current business climate and the progressive best practices of the future. Covering a variety of topics all crafted to improve one’s success in the job market. I even have a quote in this book along with some other industry thought leaders.
Assemble the Social Web with Zembly by Gail Anderson - Whether you’re a long-time web professional or a casual developer with
a specialized problem to solve, zembly might be a tool you’ve been waiting
for. Zembly is like the "Wikipedia for the social Web." I got to know zembly this past summer as I talked to them at the Graphing Social Patterns East conference in DC - check out the video.
YouTube: An Insider's Guide to Climbing the Charts by Alan Lastufka & Michael W. Dean - Join Alan, who makes part of his living from YouTube, and Michael, a
successful filmmaker, author, and D.I.Y. art pioneer. They'll take you
from the basics of gear to making it big on YouTube, with a focus on
networking and interaction. If you are producing videos online you should definitely check this book out.
If you have a book that you would like me to check out please send me an @FrankGruber reply on Twitter or send me an email.