Have you ever looked around your place and noticed you tend to save things, lots of
things, that you no longer need, want or care about? If so, you might want to sell something on Ztail, an eBay compatible Alpha application.
Through a partnership
with Compete.com, Ztail surveyed 2,500 registered eBay users about what
stopped them from selling online. Eighty-five percent (or 2125 people surveyed)
said online selling was too hard and time consuming.
Ztail is focused on simplifying selling
by searching product and transaction data for millions of items and automating
the listing process, creating the basis for the simple, intuitive and effective
Click Once, Sell Everywhere model. Ztail aimed to bypass a complicated
and lengthy process, and simplified it into three easy steps:
Find your
product, Publish your listing, Share your listing.
Once the listing is created, Ztail
plugs the user into his or her own social media and instantly distributes the
listing to selected friends via blogs, email and social networking sites such
as Facebook and MySpace. Finally, Ztail offers tools to help users track and
adjust activity in their personal MyZtail pages.
Bill Hudak and Dave Keefer founded
Ztail in 2006, with a combined 20 years in online experience at companies like
Google, Netscape, ePinions and Shopping.com. Bill and Dave have watched online
commerce develop from its infancy and created Ztail to make selling online
quick and easy for everyone.
I set up an account, followed the directions and personalized
my ad within a few minutes on eBay, edgeio, Google Base, oodle and vast. GigaOm offers additional perspective on Ztail as well.