Somewhat Frank has been taking the brunt of an intense schedule this past week as I have been in Chicago preparing for and hosting the first TECH cocktail CONFERENCE, followed by our 8th Chicago mixer, TECH cocktail Chicago 8 on May 29, 2008. Though it took a lot of time and hard work, it was all worth it as it was a lot of fun as we were able to further our mission of better connecting and amplifying the technology signal by bringing together some of the TECH cocktail community leaders from Boston, Boulder, DC and Chicago as speakers at the TECH cocktail CONFERENCE which attracted close to 300 guests. From the opening ceremonies where we played the TECH cocktail Song to Gary Vaynerchuk wrapping up the day of speakers it was a lot of fun. All the speakers did an amazing job and we are very appreciative of their participation and support. Unfortunately, I did not get a chance to see all the panels as I was pretty emceeing the event and making sure things run smoothly.
Check out the TECH cocktail CONFERENCE photos taken by the very talented Leora Zellman. Additional photos from TECH cocktail Chicago 8 are coming soon.
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