Gleamd, a product created by pixelspread and design student Matthew McInerney, recently launched into private beta to offer a place to highlight, search and rate people. According to the site:
"Gleamd is a place to highlight interesting people doing interesting things on the Internet."
A quick glimpse of Gleamed might remind you of a blog as its layout offers up posts of people's biographies. Each post can be added by any member of the community and then goes through a moderation process prior to public posting. Some have called it combination of Spock, Mahalo and Digg. Check out the Gleamd screen-shot below.
I think Gleamd has some potential as finding people on the Web is a valuable proposition but it may be missing a couple of things. First, I feel like Gleamd seems to be missing the ability to update a biography or I could have just missed the feature. UPDATE: I determined that added items or people can be edited by the submitter. Also you cannot add yourself to the product. Secondly, I did not find Gleamd to be doing anything to help build up the number of people added to the product which is important since the people search should get better as more people are added. Gleamd is also against users adding their own biography entry to the site which could limit the number of people added to the site. Either way, Gleamd will be interesting to watch as it is currently only in private beta and has a little time before it's time to shine.
For more information check out the Gleamd blog which pointed me to this interview of Gleamd founder Matthew McInerney.